Please note that this is the only official website for purchasing registration fees, accommodation, and additional services. Be cautious of fraudulent websites.
Welcome to our conference website introducing all you need to know about the WONCA Europe conference 2024 in Dublin, Ireland.
We are looking forward to greeting you in Dublin this year and appreciate this opportunity to bring you all together to share expertise, experiences and enthusiasm about general practice/family medicine.
The Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) has hosted a number of very successful international conferences in the past - let us host you so you can join your thinking and energy together with colleagues to create an inspiring conference in Dublin in 2024.
We look forward to welcoming you to Dublin!
Fintan Foy
Chief Executive Officer
Prof. Claire Collins
Chief Operations Officer
The conference platform is now live, featuring a comprehensive and detailed programme.
The WONCA Europe conference 2024 in Dublin is proud to announce its compliance with MEDTECH rules!
The Irish College of GPs’ continuing medical education-small group learning (CME-SGL) network will be offering delegates the opportunity to participate in a typical GP CME meeting (Quality Circle) by attending their workshops throughout Friday Sept 27th. During these sessions participants will be involved in a peer led discussion on a topic, sharing their knowledge and experiences with the support of a resourced facilitator (CME tutor), in a safe and non-threatening atmosphere. CME SGL learning in Ireland has been successfully shown to reduce stress, improve morale and learning amongst Irish GPs and we are delighted to showcase this valuable "Jewel in the Crown" of Irish General Practice. This opportunity will be available at four different times on Friday 27 Sept (on different topics) and is particularly targeted at those who would like to initiative a similar resource in their countries or to see how such small group learning is implemented elsewhere.
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Czech Republic
Tel: +420 284 001 444
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